Saturday, September 13, 2008


Last year, I was given the new 8GB iPod Touch for Christmas. It had come out in late October, I believe, so it was a big deal.
today I was looking around at stuff on the interent, and I found out that all the iPods have been revamped. Again. So now my iPod is old. And it hasn't even been a year since the concept debuted! Now there's a few fancy new features, and you can get the 16GB for less than my 8GB cost. The same thing happened to the iPhone. That was about a year old, and then boom, iPhone 3G.
And I still love my iPod. It's still my best technologic friend. But I'm just starting to wonder how relevant my iPod will be in 5 years. No doubt it'll look to everyone as one of the old clunkers of the 2nd or 3rd- or even 4th for that matter- generation iPod classics do to us now. And it's sort of boggling my mind. Things are advancing so rapidly. There are minimal changes, but they happen so quickly, and we just accept anything less than them to be a thing of the past. And I can't tell if it's good or bad.

Invisible People

This is the first draft of a poem I wrote for a book I'm writing, a compilation of short stories and poems. I don't usually write poetry, so it needs some tweaking, but here goes.

i see invisible people every day.
no, that's not quite true.
we all see them.
but you don't notice; i do.
but really, they aren't hard to spot.
there may as well be a neon sign
over their heads.
look in the lunch line.
i see three.
glasses boy, next to you.
the girl in boy's clothes.
nose-in-book girl too.
they're everywhere. don't you see?
i was one, a while ago.
i succeeded in being invisible.
don't answer in class, even if you know
the answer. never meet their eyes.
look at the floor when you walk.
no one will notice you're hurt.
oh, and hardly ever talk.
but it killed me somehow;
it built up inside me.
so i worked, and i broke through.
keeping people out is easy.
but this was hard. deep breath,
head up, shoulders straight.
go on, say "hi."
they won't bite you, goddamnit.
for heaven's sake, look them in the eye.
and now this is how you see me.
i smile at everyone i pass.
people smile back.
they sit next to me in class.
and now you all know my name.
i've found someone to be.
this life is so much better
when i can just be me.
but that girl. at the corner table.
please tell me that you see.
she's there all alone.
it's just killing me.
i stare, and i make my decision.
at the front of the group, i steer
my friends to her table.
"hey, mind if we sit here?"